It's four months since my last post in November about bringing Mahaskah to Newhaven, and there haven't been any updates. But we have been out many times, we have joined Newhaven Yacht Club, we have done some repairs and maintenance and replaced the guard wires. We discovered how to rig and sail with a Spinnaker. We have also attended "Diesel Engine Maintenance" and "Survival at Sea" days with
Mustang Sailing.
Last, but not least, we have found "The Hope"- a pub at the end of the harbour wall with Harveys beer, good fresh fish and chips, a real fire and unpretentious ambience.
February, snow on the boat.The Ferry in the background |
Newhaven Harbour from The Ouse
Oil and oil filter change
Fuel filter change
Exhaust pipe replaced
The exhaust got rather overheated on our first trip out because we didn't know to turn on the raw water cock!
Sailing in Seaford Bay